Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Benefits of Getting A Hammock

Hammock is sometimes made of a rope or fabric that is tied between two poles so that it would swing. It can be used indoor or outdoor. It came from the word “Arawakan”, which means, “fish net”. Villages in Venezuela used hammocks as their primary bed. This is beneficial for them because they also used this as their protection from scorpions and snakes. Their fine woven sand-fly netting helps to protect them from mosquitos and other types of insects. Keep in mind that in this neck of the woods, malaria and other infestations are usually common. A top sheet part of hammock is waterproof, designed basically to guard users from heavy rains. 
Generally speaking, a hammock can either be with rods or without rods. In the same manner, hammocks can also be classified as cloth hammocks and net hammocks. They are said to be originally used by the Native Americans and were adopted by the Spanish colonizers at the time of their conquest. It is primarily used when a person wants to take a rest or just want to be relaxed after a hard day of work. It can also be used in the beaches while you are relaxing, in a yacht or even at home while taking a nap or a short break and may help to reduce stress.  In ancient times, it was used on naval vessels to create some extra space for some stuff like gun decks or personal equipment and belongings. It can easily be folded and hung when it is not in use. Because of the material used, cleaning the hammock can also easily be done. It was during the voyage of Christopher Columbus, however, that the use of the hammock was recorded. Today, every hammock has its own form and style depending on the type of benefit the user would like to get. Those that are made of cotton are the most comfortable to use.

Hammock is easy to setup and, because of its size and weight, it can be used anywhere even when you are travelling. It can also be quite practical when you’re going at the beach or camping. The ropes on the two ends of the hammock are typically tied tightly around two poles, usually a tree or two concrete poles. Once done, the hammocks can already be used for resting or simply a place to swing one’s worries away. It is highly recommended that the hammock be placed in a quiet surrounding, just like in the backyard, to ensure tranquility to the user.

There have also been studies done regarding the therapeutic value that a hammock actually has. For one, it is one of the few items that can actually evenly distribute the weight of your body giving you a feeling of lightness. Not only does it provide comfort, it can also help promote tranquility and serenity.  

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