Sure, you've got a couple of good back links. You know how to maximize keywords. You've done PPCs, even posted a few
PLRs. You've made use of blog comments and forum posting to increase traffic to your site. In a month's time, you were able to achieve a PageRank of three.
Now what?
Most people misunderstand the idea of PageRank and think that high web traffic automatically translates to higher sales. To some degree, increased web traffic and consequent increase in PageRank MIGHT increase your sales. This is because a higher PageRank means more chances of your site landing on the first two to three pages of Google search results. Of course, if a prospect would see your site first, there is a greater probability that he or she would go for your services. The next step, however, would be up to you.
Ask yourself:
(1) What kind of visitors does your site have? Are they the type of audience you had in mind? How did they land on your page?
Being aware of the kind of traffic that you have can help you plan ahead. It can be your basis for coming with a contest, for launching a new product, for changing the design of your site!
(2) Does your web site clearly discuss your products and services? Can visitors get all the information they need before making any purchase or getting your services? Oftentimes, putting the price of your product and services can be an advantage. Visitors can decide instantly whether to buy you product or not. Unfortunately, your competitors can also use any information you put on your web site as a leverage for their own products and services.
(3) If your visitors need to ask you a certain question, how fast can you give a reply? Does your site provide live chat? Do you have contact forms? Do they know where they could call you or email you? Remember, the faster you could answer their inquiries, the better.
(4) Are you willing to meet with your prospects? Do you have a ready slide show that you can use to discuss your products and services? Although some clients tend to make outright purchases, there are still those who are not that easy to convince especially if what they are interested in are your services. Be prepared. Make sure you have a slide presentation detailing your products and services. Have a detailed company profile ready.
(5) Lastly, do you have the right attitude and focus? Are you willing to sacrifice your time and go through many sleepless nights just to market your products or answer inquiries?
PageRank alone will not make your business earn money. With the financial crisis still haunting the world, you have to double your efforts.